Northern California EV Charging Rebates & Incentives Programs

Qualifying businesses and organizations can receive up to $8,000 per Level 2 charger and up to $25,000 per DC fast charger.


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National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program

The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program allocates $5 billion in funding to states to deploy EV fast chargers along designated alternative fuel corridors nationwide. The program provides funding for up to 80% of eligible project costs. In addition to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) minimum standards, each state can also set its own NEVI requirements. Visit the NEVI Formula website.

Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit

Qualifying businesses, including non-profits and municipalities, may be eligible to a tax credit of up to 30% when purchasing and installing electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. The 30C tax credit now covers up to $100,000 per charger installed in locations that meet certain geographic requirements. Businesses must claim the credit on their federal tax return. Current 30C tax credit expires on December 31, 2032. Visit the 30C Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit Website.

City of Palo Alto Utilities EV Charger Rebates

The City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) is offering EV charger rebates for schools, non-profits, and multifamily properties. Qualifying organizations in the CPAU service area can receive up to $8,000 per charger (up to $80,000 per service address) for installing shared use Level 2 charging stations or DC fast chargers. Rebates may cover up to 100% of EVSE project installation costs for schools and non-profits, and up to 75% for multifamily and mixed-use properties. Learn more about the City of Palo Alto Utilities EV Charger Rebate Program.

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Liberty EV Charger Rebate Program

Liberty is offering rebates to small businesses customers looking to install Level 2 EV charging stations. You could receive up to $2,500 (up to 100% of actual costs). Eligible costs include charging equipment, installation labor, permitting, design, and any required upgrades to the existing electrical system necessary for the installation of the electric vehicle charger. Learn more about the Liberty EV Charger Rebate Program.

MCE Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

MCE’s EV charging rebate program provides installation support and funding for installation of approved EV charging stations at multifamily properties of 4 or more units and workplaces in MCE territory. You could receive up to $3,500 per Level 2 charging station for 2-20 ports (+ an additional $500 per charging station, up to $10,000, with Deep Green 100% renewable energy). Learn more about MCE’s EV Charging Station Rebate Program.

Flo for apartments and condos
SMUD Commercial EV Program

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) offers rebates to commercial customers for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charging stations and DC fast charger (DCFC) at their workplace or multi-unit dwelling (MUD). Eligible applicants may receive up to $30,000 per DCFC, and up to $4,500 per port for a Level 2 EV charging station. Learn more about SMUD’s Commercial EV Program.

San Joaquin Valley Charge Up! Program

The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) Charge Up! Program provides funding for public agencies, businesses, and property owners of multi-unit dwellings in the San Joaquin Valley to install electric vehicle charging stations. Rebates are available in the following amounts:

  • $5,000 for single port Level 2
  • $6,000 for dual port Level 2
  • $25,000 for DC fast chargers (min 30% cost share)

Funding is limited to $50,000 annually per applicant/site. Learn more about the Charge Up! EV Charger Incentive Program.

SmartDCTM Series
Silicon Valley Power EV Charging Station Rebate (MUDs)

Silicon Valley Power (SVP) is offering EV charging station rebates for multi-unit dwellings (MUDs). You could receive up to $3,000 per charging station when you install Level 2 EV charging stations for your tenants, owners, employees, or guests (limit of 6 charging stations per customer). The rebate amount cannot exceed 75% of the total charging station project installation cost. Learn more about Silicon Valley Power’s EV Charging Station Rebate Program.

Silicon Valley Power EV Charging Station Rebate (Schools and Non-Profit)

Silicon Valley Power (SVP) is offering EV charging station rebates to schools, community colleges, universities, and non-profits within SVP service territory. You could receive up to $5,000 per charging station when you install Level 2 EV charging stations (schools are limited to 6 charging station rebates per school). The rebate amount cannot exceed the total charging station project installation cost. Learn more about Silicon Valley Power’s EV Charging Station Rebate Program.

Communities in Charge

CALSTART’s Communities in Charge program is offering rebates for the deployment of Level 2 EV charging stations in California. Eligible applicants can receive up to $3,500 per connector, or 75% of eligible costs, whichever is less. Multifamily housing projects and tribal communities can receive additional funding. Learn more about the Communities in Charge Rebate Program.


Funded by the CEC’s Clean Transportation Program and implemented by CALSTART, EnergIIZE provides incentives for EV charging infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty fleets in California. Fleet operators could receive 50-75% of eligible costs. Learn more about EnergIIZE Incentive Program.

Electrify your fleet
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Why work with FLO?

FLO is a leading North American electric vehicle charging network operator and a major provider of smart charging software and equipment. FLO has worked with hundreds of organizations across various incentive funding programs, and can offer you support and expertise to determine the ideal EV charging infrastructure best suited to your needs and navigate the application process.

Leading industry uptime
With 98% uptime1, FLO chargers are ready for drivers when they need it most.
Built for all environments
We don’t compromise on quality. Our charging stations are engineered to handle the heat and weather the cold.
Great driver experience
The FLO mobile app for iOS and Android allows EV drivers to manage their FLO experience wherever they are, using only their smartphone. 
Multiple payment methods
Flexible billing options
Choose the billing that suits your needs either by session, length of time – for faster turnover – or by kilowatt hour (where applicable).
Complete Solutions
Complete hardware flexibility
The FLO Ultra™ DC fast charger is OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) 1.6J and 2.0.1 compatible. 
Customer support
Comprehensive support
If something goes wrong, we’ve got your back. FLO’s Network Operations Center monitors station activity to ensure maximum uptime.2
FLO network
Backed by the FLO network
Get access to a large existing EV driver base of over 550,000 members across North America.